Ways to Stay Motivated While You Work From Home

Now that we are indoors for a few more days and have to work from home as the work must go on. We can help each other just by staying at home and let our government with the help of doctors, sanitation staff and the police help us defeat the virus. If you are new to the system of working from home, it might feel a bit odd as you now discuss all your work over a call or a chat.

All of us have our approaches for the same, but what we have in common is the aim to stay motivated and finding ways to increase our productivity. So here are a few tips to get it right:

1. Get Started Early

It is not necessary that you have to leave the house and reach somewhere when you have to get up. Getting out of the bed and taking a quick shower gives you the right kind of motivation to kick-start an amazing new day. It is in the morning that our brain feels fresh and excited to work, making it possible to churn out the best in you.

2. Set Up a Workplace

Yes, having a spot dedicated for work can do wonders. As it helps one concentrate and yield the best of results. Choose a place that is secluded from any kind of distraction. Ask your family or flatmate not to disturb your work equilibrium as there are times when you have something important going on, and when disturbed breaks your concentration.

3. Plan Your Day

It is important to plan your day so that you do not waste time thinking of the task, and by the time the day might end. Organising things can come handy, giving everything the right amount of time throughout the day is essential to be it your meals, exercise or work deadlines. You can keep a note in your diary or even there are several apps to help you.

4. Keep your phone away

In the times of social media, it can get a tad bit difficult to stay away from your phones. But this makes it easy to stay motivated and focused to get through the task on time.

5. Reward Yourself

Rewards make one feel good when achieving your target on time. It is the time when you decide it all from being the judge and receiver of rewards it makes things all the more fun and fruitful. It can be anything: a piece of chocolate, a movie or even some chips.

Equip yourselves with the right mode of work as you sail through the day. Happy Working!

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