The number of COVID-19 patients is on the rise and there seems no way of getting rid of it soon. Now that we have started making ways with the virus as the living reality of our lives that we have to inevitably start learning to live with. The important measures that have to be taken seriously are social distancing, maintaining good hygiene and staying at home as much as possible.
We can fight the virus with good immunity, it being the only way of overcoming the virus is to toughen yourself. There are multiple nutritious ways of getting your body ready to fight the most important of it is working on the inner self.
But did you know that water can help build your immunity? Let’s learn more about how water helps the body.
Water is the ultimate mode of transporting nutrients and minerals to the parts of our body while flushing out the toxic elements. Also, plays a part in regulating the body’s temperature. Whenever we fall sick it is advised to increase the water consumption as it helps eliminate illness-causing bacteria.
Water maintains the oxygen levels of the body with approx. 2 litres of water in a day. A glass of plain water can do miracles that we were always unaware of, but you may infuse some more ingredients to amplify the nature of it.
Mint infused water is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help prevent free radical activity. It can also enhance the quality of your skin with all-round wellbeing.
Lemon infused water is another world known recipe that we all love to drink that not just tastes good but also has some beneficial effects on the body. The high amount of vitamin C, folate and potassium present in lemon can also help to boost your immunity. One of the best ways of having it is in the morning with some lukewarm water that gets our body started for the day.
Water has always been there but never seen as a game-changer, its high time we learn to use it like one.
Water to get Better!