Tips To Combat With Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, morning sickness is pretty common. Some may suffer from it later on.  A person who experiences morning sickness often feels nauseated, lethargic and frequent vomiting occurs. Several ancient home remedies can help soothe the symptoms of morning sickness.


Common signs and symptoms of morning sickness include:

Nausea and vomiting, which get triggered by certain odours, spicy foods, heat, excess salivation, etc. At times, morning sickness doesn’t need any trigger at all.


The exact cause of morning sickness is not clear but the hormonal changes during pregnancy which started since the time of conception can be the reason.

Sometimes, medical conditions like thyroid, liver disease or some gastrointestinal disorder can cause severe or persistent nausea or vomiting.

Tips To Help Relieve Morning Sickness

Do Not Be Empty Stomach: Choose a healthy snacking option in between meals. Having a large meal might make the condition worse, you should split the large meals in small subsequent meals. One thumb rule should be followed, never keep the stomach empty, as an empty stomach can trigger vomiting. Options like salad, roasted nuts and fruits can be chosen to fill the gap.

Do Light Exercise: Exercise increases blood circulation. Light intensity exercises like gentle walking, pranayama, and yoga should be included in the daily schedule, after consulting a doctor. One thing follows with the exercise and diet, there should be at least 30 – 45 min gap between light exercises and any meal or snack as a full stomach can trigger nauseousness or vomiting.

Do Not Choose A Large Meal: Whenever feeling hungry or if there is a gap of more than 2-3 hrs, choose a smaller meal and avoid a heavy meal as it might trigger the sickness symptoms.

Breakfast Is Essential: It is known to any situation that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After the long natural fast, it is important to start the day with a meal. One key feature to fight with the morning sickness is not to have a heavy breakfast, instead break the whole meal into 2 – 3 small meals. 

Check The Fluid Intake: Sipping water can help maintain hydration. At a time, do not take too much fluid, as it might trigger the nauseating sensation. Consume 6-8 cups of non-caffeinated fluids daily like lemon water, lassi, buttermilk, soups, etc along with the normal water.

Avoid Elements That Can Trigger Nausea: Though the trigger might change from time to time, try to avoid any smell of food that can make nausea worse.

Careful Choice Of Foods: High in protein, low in fat and easy to digest foods should be consumed. Avoid high fat containing greasy, spicy and fatty foods. Bland foods can be a good option if suffering from persistent nausea.

Breathe Fresh Air: Breath in the fresh air as it will help increase the oxygenated blood circulation and relieve nausea. Open the windows in your home or workplace. Take a walk outdoors every day in the fresh air.

Take Care With Prenatal Medicines: If the doctor has prescribed any prenatal medication, then do not skip those. If there’s any sort of irritation, consult the doctor immediately. Some times taking the pills after a meal might help to soothe nausea.

Other than the above-mentioned tips, there are a few ancient alternative remedies might help to sooth the situation. This include :

Ginger: The pungent taste of ginger helps to sooth the nauseating feeling. Have ginger tea or put crushed or grated ginger in the food such as vegetable curries or soups.

Lemon: The refreshing aroma of lemon helps to calm the morning sickness. Either can use lemon fragrance or even can include in the diet. It will improve digestion at the same time help to fight the vomiting sensation.

Acupressure: One can try acupressure at home by using the fingers to apply pressure to different acupressure points. Consult a qualified specialist before going for this option. This technique reduces nausea and vomiting.

Aromatherapy: Certain scents normally created using essential oils (aromatherapy), can help some women deal with morning sickness.

Choose the remedy according to your wish. But the key point is rest and proper dietary invention in the daily routine which will not only help to relive the morning sickness but also assure the proper growth of the baby.

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