It is very important to take proper care of our skin no matter what skin type you belong. Here are some simple tips for glowing skin to help you achieve that glowing skin.
1. Drink a lot of water to keep your skin moist. Water is necessary for a good skin.
2. Cleanse your skin regularly at least twice a day.
3. Suitable skin toners should be used after cleansing the skin.
4. Apply moisturiser after cleansing.
5. Sleep at least 7-8 hours daily.
6. Practice yoga for a glowing face.
7. Follow a natural diet. Vitamin rich foods are good for your skin.
8. Meditate every day.
9. Make sure to use SPF before applying makeup.
10. Coconut oil is a great moisturiser for the body.
11. Don’t scrub or exfoliate too hard or too often.
12. Use a face mask that works for you. If you have dry skin use a hydrating mask. For oily skin use a charcoal mask and if you have blackheads then go for peel off mask.
13. Give yourself a scalp massage once in a week.
14. Exposure to the sun should be minimised. Wear a cap or hat when it’s too hot outside, also use a UVA and UVB sunscreen at least 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun.
15. Always remove your makeup before sleeping to let your skin breathe overnight.