Increased fat in the body can cause deadly diseases. Obesity and excessive weight gain is the problem of every second person of the population. It is not something to ignore but to take very serious as it could be very dangerous for your health. Obesity or extra fat not only affects your physical health and appearance but affects your mental health as well.
Fat increases due many reasons, some are because of unhealthy eating habits also. Eating anything and everything may increase your weight. But these alone are not only responsible for weight gain. Mental stress or change in lifestyle can be the reason for weight gain. People suffering from insomnia and stress gain weight and are victims of obesity.
In the recent years, studies have proved that yoga can heal many dangerous diseases. It has been experimented on different human beings suffering from severe diseases for a long time and obesity is one of them. Through different yoga positions and regular practice an individual can surely reduce weight and stress and be fit. Yoga is responsible for strengthening the proper functioning of our body organs. Here are the top 3 asanas below that may help you fighting against obesity.
Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)
1.This particular asana is helpful in increasing blood circulation in our pelvic veins.
2. Pawanmuktasana removes gas and constipation from our intestines and gut area.
3. It is helpful for women in getting rid their menstrual issues and infertility.
4. It is extremely helpful to remove excess belly fat and thigh area.
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Asanas)
- Gomukhasana is helpful in back problems and makes it flexible.
- It is surely best in curing backaches.
- It enhances the functionality of kidney also.
- Practising this asana regularly helps in reducing belly and back fat and lowers your stress levels.
Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
- Virasana helps for better digestion and better absorption of nutrients into body.
- It helps for better blood regulation that directly helps in reducing weight.
- It improves concentration and focus power.
These beneficial asanas are helpful in many ways, not only for the internal organs but for reducing weight and and fighting against obesity problems.