India is a land of sheer diversity and the country is widely known for its numerous languages, traditions and tribes. One such community is the African-origin tribe by the name ‘Siddi’ with a population of somewhere about 50,000 to 60,000 people who have been living in India for centuries. The community is confined to small pockets in the Indian villages of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Hyderabad along with having a sizeable population in Pakistan.
The Siddi members are the descendants of the Bantu people of East Africa and were largely brought to India as slaves by the Portuguese and British before India’s independence. Some of them were free people who came to India as merchants, sailors and mercenaries. Today, the Siddi community describes all people of African descent in India. For more than 800 years, this African tribe has called India its home. Their women wear saris and speak the same language that we do, based on the region they reside.
Also called Sheedi and Habshi, a major of the population of this ethnic group are Sufi Muslims, while the rest comprises of Hindus and Roman Catholic Christians. Hiriyaru, or the ancestors, is a factor which binds the members of the group together, irrespective of religion.
In 1987, the Sports Authority of India started the Special Area Games Scheme focusing exclusively on the Siddi community. Before 1993, when the program was cancelled, these athletes had represented India on international levels several times.
The Siddi members look nothing like the locals and therefore, they instantly stand out. Despite having lived in India for centuries, they have managed to retain their typical African features as they marry within their communities. It is very rare where a Siddi marries a person outside their community. The community wants to be accepted as Indian citizens and receive the many opportunities to represent their country once again to win medals for their country in international level sports.
There is nothing new on the fact that Africans in Indian have a bad reputation and are often judged based on their skin colour. While some are labelled as drug dealers, their women are termed as prostitutes which largely discriminates the society. India is a secular country and it is high time that we give this minor community like many others their right to live in their country like we do.