Can you can stay without your cellphone? Ever tried memorising phone numbers? Still can’t recollect a day without checking the internet?
Technology has made our life so simple and comfortable, that it has become unimaginable to think about not having your device for a certain period. It’s time to face the truth: Technology has made us sluggish.
No Need To Find Entertainment Outside The House
There is no point getting out of bed, taking a shower, wearing clothes and going to the movies when you can simply laze in bed and watch Netflix. We’ve all been there, done that. You are always in two minds as to whether or not to go out, but ultimately, laziness takes over. You start to play games or scrolling through your phone only to realise that you wasted your time.
To make things worse, various companies went ahead and made addictive games.
Possible To Get Lost Anymore?
There will be a day when we won’t be reading the newspapers anymore. Most kids or young adults have no idea how to get home or the market, without using GPS. The demise of paper maps was seen, the day technology introduced GPS.
Looking For Answers For Everything On Google
Google has become our saviour, as we are constantly looking for answers. A simple thing like “how to tie a tie” has at least 500,000 searches in a month. It often comes as a surprise that several people go online and search for even small things like how to boil water or eggs, which gets at least 40,000 a month.
Learning has become a lot easier with Google. There was a point in time when there was no internet, and we wanted information, we’d either visit a library or ask people around. Life has become simpler now, one quick search on Google and all the answers are found.
So, it’s safe to say that technology has made us lazy and dependent.