We have been fighting the evil- COVID 19 for some months, now comes a sharp turn where we have a little breakthrough as said by many. The world-known plasma therapy is being used by countries to flatten the curve worldwide. In India, we now have people donating their plasma after they successfully recover from the deadly virus. Developing a vaccine will not be an easy task for our scientists as it takes time to formulate and test the vaccine for its potential. In plasma therapy, blood donated by recovered patients is used to introduce antibodies in those under treatment. However, we should keep in mind that this is just a preventive measure, not a treatment. Once donated blood is checked for any disease-causing agents, then the antibodies are obtained from the liquid part. This process also has its downsides with the risk of transferring an inadvertent infection to the patient. It might in even a few cases enhance the infection with suppression of the body’s natural immune system. We have to stay in contact with the patients who have recovered, as it is only them who can help with their plasma.
Past usage of plasma treatment:
1. H1N1 influenza virus (Spanish flu) pandemic, 1918
2. Ebola virus, 2014
3. The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), 2015
Also for SARS outbreak, Measles, HIV, polio and mumps. Certain governments are not much in favour of this process so they have made sure that warning about the same is put across.
Every agency involved is truly hoping for something stronger to work and help us sail safely through these times of despair. Till then what we have to do is stay cautious of spreading or getting infected by the disease. We can stay indoors or just take a few precautionary measures when stepping out so we do our bit in overcoming the pandemic.
Together we had and together we will make it work for us!