It becomes difficult at times to keep track of what you eat through the day when you are at home. It is good to stay active and occupied with different things at such times of lockdown but never on the cost of your health. You have to have a balance when it comes on your nutritional intake while you make it work for yourselves.
One thing that you need to understand is that whatsoever may happen one should follow a schedule even when you are at home. Fix a time for all your meals to get the most out of it. It is best to prepare a meal chart for a week as it helps us include all our nutrients and saves time daily on what to have and not to have.
Essentiality of Water
It is extremely essential to drink 8-12 glasses of water daily. Being hydrated helps to cut off that potential unnecessary snacking as many of the people could confuse thirst with hunger. If possible, keep a water bottle along with you so that it becomes accessible for you to drink water whenever you want. Also, keep your caffeine intake in control to have a smoother stomach functioning.
Stock up on healthy foods, as it will automatically promote healthy eating habits. The first meal of the day- Breakfast should always be high on health quotient as it uplifts your day for better functioning.
Never Skip a Meal!
Yes, you heard it right skipping a meal for any deadline would not help as it might have some bad effects that might last very long. Also, replacing a proper meal with some snacks is not either a good choice as it can eventually make you maybe gain weight and lose your appetite for some real food.
Take this as an opportunity to prepare the most nutritious meals for yourself and your loved ones and enjoy it as this time would never come back. Focus on your growth both physically and spiritually as we sail safely through this pandemic. Listen to positive things that help boost your morale while you choose the path of growth. Browse and learn new things each day without wasting on your time which all of us know is precious.
So, get going and become the best version of yourself while the world is at war against the deadliest viruses.