1. If your brain does not receive oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes, it can cause permanent damage.
2. Approximately 75% of the brain is water. Therefore, dehydration even in the slightest amount can create a negative impact on the functioning.
3. A new connection is developed every time you create a memory.
4. Babies need enough sleep because their brain can use up to 50% of the total supply of glucose.
5. It uses 20% of oxygen and blood in your body.
6. The organ can produce enough electricity to power a small light bulb when you wake up.
7. It is scientifically proven that even a small dose of power can change how a person’s brain operates and diminishes empathy.
8. As you age, your brain tends to grow smaller.
9. The smell of chocolate increases the brain waves, which triggers relaxation.
10. One sleepless night is equivalent to get the organ legally drunk.
11. Forgetting is good for the brain. It helps delete unnecessary information which helps the nervous system retain its plasticity.
12. Alcohol doesn’t make you forget anything. When you get drunk, the brain temporarily loses its ability to create memories.
13. You don’t have left or right brains. It’s a myth and they work together.
14. Longterm mobile phone use can increase the risk of brain tumours.
15. The structure of your brain changes when you learn something new.
16. On an average, the total volume of the male brain is between 8% and 13% larger than that of the females’.
17. It uses one-fifth of a calorie per minute.
18. Half of the brain can be removed through surgery creating no changes to the personality as well as the memory.
19. Your brain can easily hold three million hours of television memories.
20. An average human spends about 13% of his life focusing on just nothing.
21. A majority of the population can identify about 90% of their classmates after many years of leaving school.
22. Your brain can shrink due to lack of sleep.