Travelling has seen a downhill ever since the pandemic hit the world all of a sudden. It felt like a difficult task to go from one place to another without getting affected by the virus. The aviation industry took a halt with no to very less number of travellers opting to go from one country to another.
Wash Hands Regularly
Keep washing your hands after short intervals or you may use a sanitiser which is at least 60% alcohol. Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is the best way to avert the virus.
Avoid travelling when unwell
Don’t take up travelling when not feeling well as you could be a potential carrier. Do get tested before leaving to make travelling easier and convenient as at many places you need to have your negative report before entering.
Keep Distance
Always maintain a safe distance from people around without getting too close. Don’t touch random things as much as possible so that there are fewer chances of getting affected.
Choose Your Stay Well
The place you will be staying in is crucial, so make sure of the hygiene levels.
Use Mask
Masks are essential when you are out of your house as they are the only way of protecting you from any particle in the air. You may use a 3-ply surgical mask.
Minimise Physical Contact
Use online mode for payments if possible as it will help minimise the human touch to minimal. Sanitise everything you purchase.
Try For Controlled Eating
Do not eat in open with many people around you, try purchasing from a clean and hygienic place with minimal contact.
Travel & Stay Safe!