The steady rise in the number of corona cases is alarming as it has become difficult for all to stay indoors any longer. But the best way of prevention is to stay indoors as much as possible because we are yet to come terms with this virus. No crucial revelation have yet been made for the virus, so it is better to stay safe till we can. But yes if your work requires you to be on sight you should take all precautionary measures to help the authorities flatten the curve and get the situation under control.
1.Wash Your Hands
Yes, it has been emphasised a million number of times but it is that important and needs to be followed diligently. Wash your hands as many times as you feel that you might have touched different surfaces. Do not rush but keep rubbing your hands as efficiently as you can.
2.Keep a Bottle of Hand Sanitiser
It might not be that convenient at times to frequently visit the washroom to keep washing your hands. So, a hand sanitiser comes handy in such situations. Just a generous pump of any alcohol-based hand sanitiser removes the virus from your hands.
3.Sanitisation of Workplace
You need to sanitise the surroundings to avoid touching infected places. Wipe off your mouse and keyboard that we usually tend to touch the most.
4.Do Not Touch Surfaces With Bare Hands
It is important to create a barrier between the things you touch throughout the day. You can use a napkin to hold a door or open a drawer. This practice will help all at the workplace not letting any virus go from one to another.
5.Maintain Social Distancing
There should be a considerable gap between the employees as it restricts direct contact between them. Avoid meetings as it not only brings more people in a room but with a closed atmosphere makes it easier for a virus to go from one person to another.
Just be cautious wherever you are, keep doing all your daily important chores!