Yes, health is always our utmost priority which includes eating healthy and exercising to stay stress-free. But what we forget a lot of times is a good night’s sleep. Our beauty sleep is one such factor as the functioning of our body depends on it. Now with this new COVID-19 world sleeping patterns have been badly disrupted. Our days and nights are no more the same as most of us are at home all the time.
Stress and anxiety can be one of the crucial factors behind a disturbed sleep pattern. It is not just about falling asleep but having peaceful hours of sleep.
Ways to Avoid Sleeplessness
Design A Daily Routine
Our routines must have changed with so much going around, but we have to stay focused for our end goals. Many have lost track of time with nothing to hold on to and many are just trying to figure out how to handle the work-life balance. So, get the grip of it and start planning your day to reap the best out of it.
Avoid Multiple Naps
Yes, you heard it right do not fall for too many naps throughout the day. If you end up sleeping too much in the day, then it might lead to problems in your night-time sleeping. It is important to exhaust yourself in the day so that you sleep peacefully at night.
Exercise at Home
Stay active and try to do a few exercises during the day, not just before you sleep. It helps your body open up and relax at night, so exercise at home or wherever you feel comfortable.
Limit Blue Light Exposure
An all-time fact that every good night’s sleep one should limit their blue light exposure by not overusing your phone. We all have started using our gadgets more often than before, as it is the only way we feel connected to people. But, one needs to cut off the ties at night to sleep better.
Get Better With Your Eating Habits
Now that we are homebound eating fresh and healthy has become easier as you can plan your meals better. Search for recipes and plan your weekly meals with buying groceries according to your needs.
Imbibe Good Vibes
It is important to stay positive as we fight these tough times. Avoid watching news throughout the day just go through the headlines once in a day to stay updated. As too much exposure about all that happening around can lead to anxiety resulting in a bad sleeping pattern.