How To Design Your Own Workout Routine?

If you are thinking of exercising each day then you have made a wise choice.  Taking out time to exercise is the best way to stay fit and it is not impossible to manage. There is a saying that “ANY exercise is better than NO exercise.” This blog will talk about various tips for maintaining your everyday workout/exercise schedule.

Whatever your goals or plans are, it is always good to write them down and stay determined to accomplish. If your targets are placed in front of you it will enable you to plan your workouts accordingly. Firstly, decide what time of the day you can workout. Whatever the time may be creating or planning your workout is very important. Why spend time and money in a gym when you can exercise at home for an hour.

According to your time management finalise your goals and prepare an exercise chart. Whether you are planning to lose weight or building a muscular body,  a proper exercise schedule will get you the results you want.

Here are some tips to manage your workout schedule and how to exercise.

  1. Pick the five days of exercising of a week.
  2. Firstly, always start with warm-up at least 5-10 minutes of a rowing machine, jumping jacks, stretching or a walk.
  3. Pick one exercise for each muscle group to be toned like quads, hamstrings and butt, pull, push and core.
  4. Do 3-5 sets for each exercise.
  5. Do 5-10 reps per set for each exercise.
  6. Repeat the procedure daily.

Secondly, remember allowing your body to rest is equally important. Due to regular workouts, your muscles tire out and need to relax. It takes only an hour to exercise to be fit. A day or two’s break is enough for your muscles to relax. You should get back to your routine. Add variety to your workout routine. It will help build your stamina. 

And lastly, do not expect any sudden drastic change. It will take time to see the much-needed results. Gradually, build your stamina and notice the changes slowly. 

Also, with regular exercises keep a check on your diet as it is a crucial aspect of your journey to fitness. Maintaining your exercises with a nutritional diet will get you closer towards achieving your fitness goals with each day. Hard work and perseverance pays in the end.

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