Homemade Remedies for Getting Rid of Body Odour

While it’s natural for the body to perspire, as it get’s rid of the body toxins, nobody wants to smell like it all day long. The simplest option for people is using an antiperspirant, followed by a perfume.  Studies have shown that regular  usage of deodorants or odour gel can protect your pits from odour and antiperspirants block your sweat glands. The false rumour that aluminium antiperspirant can cause breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease has been disproved.

So here are 5  natural, homemade remedies that will help get rid of the body odour.

Baking soda + cornstarch

People have always used baking soda and cornstarch to get rid of the smell of food. Apart from getting rid of the smell of food, it can get rid of the smell from your armpits. Mixing equal parts baking soda and cornstarch and applying it on your underarms will kill the bacteria, remove wetness, and also get rid of body odour. It will keep your underarms dry for  hours. 

Make yourself a hydration station

No matter what method you have been using to   remind yourself  about drinking  water, stick post-its on your workstation, set an alarm, glue a water bottle to your hand to make  you are actually drinking water. You have probably heard this piece of advice before, but drinking water can help reduce body odour in the  most easy and natural way.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is highly beneficial for the body as it balances the pH  levels. It can be applied to your hair once in a week as an alternative to using shampoo. You can also smudge it on your pits a few minutes prior to showering each day to naturally balance out the ph levels of your  armpits.  You can even use apple cider vinegar while having a bath.

Adding apple cider vinegar to foods or drinking it stirred in lukewarm water before each meal can considerably benefit your body.

Lemon and Baking soda underarm paste

Similar to the apple cider vinegar remedy, mixing  lemon juice and enough baking soda together to make a paste and applying it to your underarms before a shower can significantly reduce the odour. Lemon’s acidity lowers your skin’s pH levels, making it hard for odour-causing bacteria to survive. Lemon works significantly well for those with sensitive skin, and this mixture can be used daily. If you don’t have enough time to whip up a paste before you shower, you can try using  lemon juice as a natural deodorant post shower.

When all else fails, take a tomato bath

Well, in the end if nothing works, have a tomato bath, at least twice  a week.Tomato juice greatly works to cleanse body odour. The acidity of tomatoes kills odour-causing bacterias, and similarly tomatoes can shrink  the pores as well.

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