Cooking is not the only need for survival but a passion. To lead a healthy life, food is needed. When it comes to eating healthy food, one can add. taste and flavour to it.
Plan The Menu: Planning the menu not only enhances the mood but helps add variety in a regular diet, which helps make food more appealing. Planning helps reduce wastage and economic burden.
Choose whole grains: These days, to enhance their image, companies have increased the production of polished broken grains, for eg-pulses. These polished grains are low in nutrients. Thus choosing whole grains instead of polished ones will ensure proper nutrients in a single portion.
Use Less Water While Washing Rice: Rice contains a good amount of water-soluble vitamin, which during washing rinses off. To minimise this loss, use less water to cook and discard the broth. It can be used as natural thinners to the gravies.
Do Not Cut Vegetables In Small Pieces: Cutting vegetables into small pieces and letting it dry, could cause a chemical reaction and destroy the vitamins, particularly Vitamin-C and B1. Thus cut veggies in broad pieces and use them immediately after.
Do Not Use Raw Egg: Raw egg contains an anti-nutrient substance, named avidin, which hinders the absorption of the biotin. While cooking, the heat destroys this anti-nutritional factor and enhances the absorption of biotin.
Do Not Over Boil Milk: Application of excess heat on milk can denature the contents as lactose reacts with the protein and at the same time vitamin losses also occur.
Avoid Used Fats And Oils: The consumption of used cooking fats and oil poses adverse health effects. During frying, several properties of the oil are altered and formed some toxic elements like – Total Polar Compounds(TPC) which can lead to several diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, liver diseases. Thus measured oil before using and does not consume used cooking oil.
Steaming Is Better Than Boiling: Steaming vegetables is a healthier cooking option than boiling since contact with water during cooking removes water-soluble nutrients from food which leaches out of the food into the water. Or if choosing to boil, instead of throwing the broth, make use of it in some other way like kneading dough or add to the curry.
Sprouting Enhances Nutrition: Sprouting improves the digestibility of pulses and grains besides increasing vitamin C and B vitamin content. This process also makes the iron more bioavailable. Choose sprouts whether in the form of salads or any other innovative way.
Enjoy the art of cooking while makes food for nutritious and healthy.