Garlic is the most common herb used in Indian cuisines. The strong aroma and acquired taste could be the reason. There are several potential health benefits of garlic that have been discovered by scientific inventions. The chemical compound present in garlic mainly responsible for its aroma and medicinal properties is allicin. Let’s have a closer look at its potential health benefits:
Blood Purifier: Garlic contains highly bioavailable sulphur compounds. Studies have shown that these compounds help detoxify heavy metals responsible for degenerative changes. Have a clove of garlic regularly to cleanse the system and flush out toxins.
Heart Protection: The researchers of Emory University School of Medicine have found a component in garlic oil named ‘diallyl trisulfide’, that can help protect the heart during cardiac surgery and after a heart attack. Several researchers have also established a fact that the volatile compound present in garlic may help protect diabetic patients from cardiomyopathy.
Lowering Cholesterol & Blood Pressure: The sulphur compound allicin is a potent antioxidant and has a positive effect on lowering the LDL cholesterol profile and blood pressure. Remember one thing, while cooking, due to the presence of heat, the sulphur compound degenerates. Thus to avail, the benefits, consume raw garlic regularly.
Protects From Cold and Flu: Garlic helps to boost the immune function. Studies have revealed that regular consumption of raw garlic can reduce cold and flu by about 63%. If not liking the after taste of raw garlic, one can opt for the supplemental form, which also helps protect from common cold and flu.
Antibacterial & Anti-Parasitic: Studies have established that the sulphur compound, diallyl sulphide, is about 100 times more powerful than antibiotic medicines. During ancient times, garlic was used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites. Modern scientists have found that raw garlic is very effective against campylobacter bacterium, responsible for several intestinal infections.
Cancer Prevention: Several studies were done to check the effectiveness of garlic in different types of cancer and it has been established that the compounds present in garlic can protect us from lung, brain, ovary, liver and prostate cancer.
Good Skin & Hair: Due to its anti-fungal property, garlic is widely used as a home remedy for skin and hair problems. The tropical application is very useful in treating dandruff and eczema. It is also an effective remedy for fungal infections like athlete’s foot and ringworms etc.
Prevention Of Osteoporosis: Recent studies have discovered that regular consumption of garlic can minimise bone loss by increasing estrogen in females and helps prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
For thousands of years, garlic was believed to have medicinal properties. Modern days scientific findings have confirmed it. There are a few cautionary measures with this superfood, as anything in excess is not good. Thus, the use of garlic in asthmatic patients and the pre-opp patients is only recommended with expert advice.