Fun facts to keep handy for trivial conversation

Fun facts to keep handy for trivial conversation

Are you a conversationalist? These random fun facts will surely amaze you. These eleven random fun facts will fuel you for that  smooth conversation with your peers and family or the next party you decide to attend. 

We recommend you keep a bucket of popcorn and soft drinks handy, but before that, did you know, Coca-Cola isn’t legally sold in Cuba and North Korea? This is because they’re both under trade embargoes. 

1. Well, it’s a matter related to the heart! Before you jump to conclusions, it’s  not exactly related to anybody romantically! It’s about a massive creature and the largest animal- the blue whale. The heartbeat of a blue whale can be detected from over 2 miles away.

2. Ever heard of a bridge made especially for squirrels? The Nutty Narrows Bridge? It was built by a local builder Amos Peters in 1963 in Longview, Washington especially for squirrels to pass unharmed from the traffic. It was indeed a good gesture by the government but was expensive and later considered a misuse of money. Thereafter, many other squirrel bridges were constructed for the safety of the squirrels.

3. Roosters have got special ears, they have inbuilt earplugs that keep them safe from becoming deaf from their crowing. The loud distinctive sound of a rooster can go beyond 140 decibels if it cock-a-doodles right in the ear, which  can be damaging. When a rooster crows, its ears get blocked which prevents ear damage. 

4. Radioactivity can affect anything. The same goes for Marie Curie’s notebook. Madame Curie was a renowned physicist for her work around radioactive materials. The exposure to radioactivity took a toll on her death and, she succumbed to death aplastic anaemia likely because of the exposure to radium. It’s stated that her belongings like clothes, furniture, and even notebooks were affected by the radioactivity exposure. Noteworthy to note that her notebooks are stored in a container made of lead in France as they are still radioactive and will be for another 1500 years.

5. Did you know, Octopuses have three hearts, nine brains, and each arm has a mini-brain that acts individually.

6. The numerical 4 is the only number that has the same amount of letters.

7. Why the planet Mars appears red? Well, it’s  because the surface is covered in rust, hence, it appears red.

8. Heart in the brain? Yes, a shrimp’s heart is located in its head! Interestingly, another wonder animal is a snail, which possesses the  ability to regenerate its eyes.

9. Libya is the country that has 90% of the area as desert.

10. Many times, we hum a song over and over, just because that song gets stuck in the head. Do you know that there is a term for that and it’s ‘earworm’? It is also referred to as brainworm, sticky music and stuck song syndrome, or Involuntary Musical Imagery.

11. Did you know, we always are looking at our noses? Oh, figuring that out now? Have you found any logical explanation regarding this? that’s because our brain filters out the sensory information and passes on only information that we need. The brain’s ability to ignore this input is known as ‘unconscious selective attention.

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