People face bloating issues very often and are considered to be a result of a number of our bodily mechanisms. However, post-workout bloating is also a fact that needs to be addressed to work it out the better way.
Some common causes of bloating:
1. Hot Environment
Working out in hot weather can make your bloating issues grow further, as we tend to sweat more due to heat around making the body lose sodium and water. It leads to water retention in response to the fluids lost by the body. Always exercise in a well-ventilated environment for a better exercising environment.
2. Over-hydration Or Dehydration
It is a well-known phenomenon where a body when running low on hydration starts accumulating water. On the other hand, if one starts to drink more than the needed amount of water, it tends to dilute the sodium in the body leading to water retention.
3. Beginners
If you are new or resuming after a long pause, it may cause bloating, the release of cortisol or stress hormone can lead to water retention. But it slowly fades away with time as the body starts to adapt to the fitness routine.
4. Heavy Meal
Eating the right thing before your session is an important aspect of the workout ritual. An immediate start post-exercise can affect the stomach in greater ways, as our body tends to get engaged in the process of muscle building rather than digesting the food. It usually results in a bloated tummy.
5. Inflammation
The excess of fluid to the tissues for the process of post-exercise recovery can end up leaving a person feeling heavier or bloated.
One needs to follow the basic rules of exercise to avoid any such negative impacts of it on their bodies. Stick to your regime and get the best out of your workout.