Want to have flawless skin? The answer to this question is by far, ‘A Big Yes’. Isn’t it? Good, tasty & healthy food comes directly from your kitchen, but do you know your beauty woes can also be solved by items present in your kitchen. Getting glowing or peachy skin is possible with the easy skincare DIY (do it yourself) that we’re going to share with you today.
These home remedies include skincare masks or scrubs for your face. These skin care treatments are going to go easy on your pockets as they are budget-friendly solutions that come directly from your home.
1. Tomato & Cucumber Face Mask
2. Papaya Face Mask
3. Coffee & Turmeric Face Mask
These three home DIY remedies are going to help you get healthy & glowing skin.
Let’s now know how to prepare each one of them in detail.
Tomato & Cucumber Face Mask
Wish to tighten your pores? This face mask is effective in revitalising your skin and helping you get rid of tanning of the skin. These foods are known to be natural astringents that can help you tighten the loose pores.
How to prepare this mask?
All you need is a ripe 1/4 tomato and 1/4 Cucumber. Peel the cucumber and blend it with the tomato into a fine pulp. Then, apply the mixture to your skin and keep your fingers moving in a gentle circular motion. Let it stay on your skin for about 15 minutes & then rinse properly.
Papaya Face Mask
Want to get rid of your wrinkles. Here is this papaya face mask that helps you achieve ageless skin.
How to prepare this mask?
For preparing this mask, you need:
• Fresh Papaya (diced & seeds removed)
• 1 Tablespoon Plain Greek Yoghurt
• White Tea (brewed & cooled)
• 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
• Egg Whites (paste form)
Blend all the ingredients. Apply the mask on your face or neck for 20 minutes or up to 30 minutes. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Note: After rinsing, you should apply your regular face moisturiser.
Coffee & Turmeric Face Mask
What do you need?
• 1 Tablespoon Ground Coffee
• 1 Tablespoon Turmeric Powder
• 1 Tablespoon Greek Yoghurt
How to prepare this mask?
Mix each ingredient. Then, apply the same on your face as well as under the eyes. Let it sit for 30 minutes and remove the same by using a damp towel.
With this face mask, you can get rid of puffy eyes. The presence of caffeine will help in reducing inflammation. The antioxidant properties will help in achieving a glow to the skin.
Run to your kitchen right now and gather all these ingredients to begin preparing these face masks.
Get Glowing & Flawless Skin Today!