Proper energy levels are necessary to maintain a productive schedule. But generally, it has been seen that one cannot maintain their energy levels throughout the day. Early afternoon, one might feel like taking a nap. It is not a good sign when one starts to feel exhausted in the middle of the day. Chronic fatigue is usually a sign of underlying health issues. A certain change in the daily routine, particularly following some early morning rituals can be fruitful. Some of the practice are as follows:
Maintain A Proper Sleep Schedule:
Our body has a natural ‘circadian rhythm’ that adapts to a regular sleep and wake sequence. If one were to follow this simple routine, of waking up and sleeping on time, maintaining energy throughout the day, will become a lot easier. Even on weekends, try maintaining a regular schedule as a small variation from the daily schedule can affect the whole system.
Do Not Rush:
Instead of rushing around as soon as the alarm goes off, take a few minutes and focus on yourself. It will help to motivate you all day long.
Drink Some Water:
After a good night’s sleep of about 8 hours, the body could be slightly dehydrated. Several studies have suggested that even the slightest dehydration can affect the energy level, soon after getting out of bed, have 1 or 2 glass of water to keep the balance. This will boost your energy levels and keep your metabolism functioning optimally.
Expose To Natural Light:
Sunlight has a positive impact on the brain, as it reminds the body to wake up. The exposure of the sun not only has a positive impact on the brain but at the same time helps improve the vitamin D levels. It is known to all that Vitamin D has several functions like boosting immune health, mental health, and hormonal health. All those help us to have an energetic day.
Exercise And Meditation:
Exercise helps increase the blood flow along with keeping the heart and lung health and meditation helps decrease the stress and anxiety level. A combination of both helps boost the physical as well as mental health. At least invest 30 min of time during the morning time to have an energetic day all along.
Take A Cold Shower:
It is proved by several scientific findings that taking cold showers in the morning time helps secrete dopamine in the brain which helps maintain a positive attitude throughout the day.
Eat Balanced Breakfast:
After prolonged fasting during sleep time, breakfast is the first meal of the day to break the fast. After an overnight fast, the body needs some fuel to revive the metabolism and give the needed energy to start the day. A healthy balanced breakfast which consists of a good amount of protein with high fiber and Unsaturated fat gives a healthy boost t the system.
Spend Some Quality Time With Your Loved Ones:
Keep the phone away and spend some quality time with your loved ones as it not only improves the bonding between the family but at the same time helps to maintain a happy feeling all day long, which will motivate to stay energetic.
Give those a try and have a wonderful energetic day ahead.