Chess Legend Viswanathan Anand’s Subway Ad Wins Hearts on Social Media

Brands are known to target their audiences in the quirkiest ways possible, be it through their online or offline campaigns. Creative minds behind each brand come up with an engaging idea that if loved by the audience gets viral within hours. One such video is a 30-second advertisement featuring chess legend Viswanathan Anand. The video, posted by the legendary chess player on his official social media account, shows Anand visiting a Subway restaurant and placing an order. The staff member asks him several questions about the type of bread, vegetables for the filling, and the desired sauces and condiments. As Anand contemplates his choices, he approaches the situation with a strategic mindset, comparing it to a game of chess, but is eventually outplayed by the mind-boggling inquiries from the Subway employee.

People who have visited the Subway outlet even once would know the struggle one may face while placing an order at the outlet, from choosing the bread to filling to sauces. In the video Anand says, “It’s a condiment checkmate!” when faced with multiple options, only to hastily make a dash for the exit and unintentionally collide with a glass door. The commercial concludes by highlighting the relatable struggle of even the most intelligent individuals when it comes to ordering a sub – “Even a genius can find it hard to order a sub.” 

The interesting video posted on Twitter by the legend already has 1M views and 12.9k likes. People were all for the appreciation of the ad and loved how creatively Subway addressed this issue. Making it easier for the people order their favourite Subs without any hesitation from the already available options.  The video introduces the ‘Hotsellers’ that are ready to order for the customers to have easy access. The ‘Hotsellers’ is a collection of eight Subs to enable better reach to the customers. Anand eventually has a hosteller. 

Anand also featured in CRED’s content series, The Long Game in the past.

People took to twitter expressing the relatability of the Subway video in day-to-day life. Here are a few: 

So, which one will you order the next time you visit a Subway. Tell us in the comments section.

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