You must have observed how your breathing changes with what you feel at that moment, be it happiness, sadness, excitement or anything for that matter of time. It is very much prescribed for all to practise breathing exercises to help calm and stay strong in certain situations. The recent ongoing trail of events has worsened the ups and downs of emotions in everyone’s life with many staying at home even alone.
Deep Breathing
The easiest of all that lets one breathe better with relieving shortness of breath. You can practise this in a sitting position or laying at your back. Inhale filling in your belly with air as you feel your stomach rise, try to hold for some time before letting it go. You can practise this throughout the day whenever you feel like.
Lion’s Breathe
Sit in a relaxed position, breathe through your nose, fill your belly as much as possible and open your eyes widely. Now, let out all the air through your mouth with your mouth as wide as you can, sticking out your tongue making a ‘Ha’ sound.
Repeat it a couple of times.
Equal Breathing
Also known as Sama Vritti in Sanskrit, this focuses on equally long inhale and exhale time of breathing. It brings a balance in your breathing, you may adjust the pace of breathing as per your convenience and maintain it throughout the exercise.
You can also time it along with counting, starting with as low as 4 then going up to 10.
Humming Bee Breath
It is a great exercise to relax your body imbibing the calmness to your body. Sit comfortably and close your eyes while relaxing your face. Place your fingers on the ear canal partially covering it, inhale and as you exhale press the figures gently. Keep your mouth closed through the exercise to hear the humming sound.
Sitali Breath
This is to cool your body and relax your mind, practise this in an environment free of allergens and air pollution. Choose a comfortable position, stick out your tongue and curl your tongue to bring the outer edges together. Start inhaling through your mouth as you roll in your tongue and exhale through your nose. Continue the same for 5 minutes.