Best Menstrual Cups In India 2019

Feminine hygiene was once not considered an area of importance but with gradual scientific advancements we have found its importance  in a women’s life.  Before the invention of sanitary napkins,  women had to rely on rags as many felt ashamed of discussing about this natural phenomena with their family or friends. It was a struggle to even buy the essentials back then as there was an impending stigma attached to them. But now the recent advancement has brought in new concept of menstrual cups. They are reusable and environment friendly therefore, light on our pocket. Checkout the best menstrual cups in India.

1. Wow Freedom Reusable Menstrual Cup and Wash Pre-Childbirth

This is the best menstrual cup for beginners as it makes the movement easy and comfortable. It comes under affordable pricing making the choice of all.

It is available in two different sizes – medium (for below 30 years) and large (for above 30 years). It is made from silicone with zero leakage whatsoever.

2. Sirona Reusable Menstrual Cup for Women

This menstrual cup fits comfortably and is completely safe. The high quality silicone used makes it sturdy, not losing shape even after a long day. It can last up to 12 hours leaving no odour post wash. The design lets one remove it easily without any difficulty. This comes in single size M, usually fits a women who is yet to give birth.

3. Lunette

This cup comes in two model variants. Model 1 is for young women who have a light to moderate flow. Model 2 can be opted by others. It is made from medical-grade silicone which is safe to wear for up to 12 hours.

4. Mark Louis Aneer Cup Reusable Menstrual Cup

These eco-friendly menstrual cups are reliable with long term durability. It is low in cost and easily available while serving  the purpose of no leakage periods. The only restriction is that they come in a single size. These are helpful while traveling or performing any sport.

5. Everteen Menstrual Cup for Women

The cup comes with longtime usability and affordable pricing. These are eco-friendly menstrual cup with a stem and an impressive grip that helps one put in and pull the cup out easily.

Choose a product as per your choice,  as per your requirements and live  tension free  during  your period days. Nothing stops a woman of this era from conquering the world.

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