Acidity is a common word used amongst the population. Multiple reasons may lead to acidity like eating spicy food, missing on meals, consumption of too much alcohol, etc. All need to understand the mechanism of acidity to overcome it with necessary measures.
This happens as the gastric glands in our stomach produce a higher level of acid that is pushed up into the oesophagus. The often reoccurrence of this might end up burning the inside of the oesophagus. So one should look out for lifestyle changes that could be helpful at such times.
Causes of Acidity
1. Unhealthy eating habits:
This includes irregular eating timing, eating and going straight to bed after eating, overeating, intake of spicy food, high intake of table salt and a diet low in dietary fibre.
2. Excess of certain foods
A lot of caffeine and carbonated drinks, spicy food and food high in fat.
3. Side-effects of medicines
Intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, high blood pressure medicines, antibiotics, depression and anxiety medications
Other known causes are stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, etc.
- Burping
- nausea
- indigestion
- bad breath
- constipation
- restlessness
- burning sensation
Home Remedies
- Ginger
- clove
- lukewarm water
- banana
- cucumber
- yoghurt
- coconut water
- watermelon,
- fresh lime juice
- buttermilk
Required Lifestyle Changes
- Lose extra kilos
- healthy food options
- time your diet
- avoid caffeine or carbonated drinks
- avoid heavy medication
- avoid stress