Lockdown & Education In India

It has become ambiguous how society has made its way out of this COVID situation, with each one of us dealing it in our ways. We cannot rule out a disturbance in the education system with kids being homebound left with nothing but the internet as their only mode of seeking education. It is a big deal for both parents and teachers to help out kids keeping focused on education. It is no more about different roles as the distinctive lines between schooling and parenting as both parents & teachers are now trying their best to give the kids an environment to bloom.

It was a huge jolt when the lockdown was announced without any prior indications and people were not ready to sit at home for this long. But what took a toll was the education and management of kids at home. It involved the all-new level of challenges that both kids and parents had to go through. But technology did play an amazing role in sailing through difficult times. Teachers across the nation took the initiative of reaching each of their students via the internet straight in their homes.

But this has also somehow widened the gap between different strata of the society as the people from middle or above might have sailed well but the others had to go through a lot. The children from these households didn’t have any mode to reach out for education, as they already had to face a lot. Many use to attend schools just for the mid-day meals at schools, and now that it is gone nothing could get them to schools. So, yes it is difficult for all of us having to deal with it.

But we have to be equipped enough to channelise our energies in the right direction for best results for our future generations. Read more and talk amongst each other to get a bigger picture for the action plan to be carried out.

Let’s learn to live with the odds to come out as a winner.

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