The world has suddenly slowed down with the pandemic COVID 19. All of us are confined to our homes. With this confinement, we can have some indoor fun, we’ve been wanting to have for a long time. You can make a personalised list of things to be done or just go through some of the common things to do listed below.
Let’s Get Started
1. Exercise your way to fitness
Practise home-based exercises while stuck at home to get ready for the upcoming summers. Meditate if you like to de-stress your mind.
2. De-clutter your Wardrobe
Yes! This is the time when you can spend time deciding what you think you will wear and what you can give away. Give away all those unworn clothes to the ones in need.
3. Bring Out the Inner Chief in You
Cook your best dish or you might as well learn some new ones to enhance your culinary skills.
4. Clean Up Your House
Pick up a broom and clean your house. Keep your surroundings cleaning.
5. Binge Watch Your All-Time Favourites
Get your subscriptions renewed to enjoy watching some amazing stuff online or just revisit your favourite ones from past.
6. Get back in touch with the long-lost friends
Make time for your family and friends. You can text, call or even facetime with them.
It’s time we all stay calm and positive for we are in this together and make it easier for our medical teams by staying at home and not going out anywhere.
Happy Quarantine Everyone!