The digestive system has a huge impact on the overall body, among them, the colon has a vital role to play. With its importance on the overall health, it’s been named the “second brain”. The gut or colon helps absorb water and minerals and eliminate waste materials and toxins. Bacteria in the colon helps in the digestive process.
The muscular movement by the food materials, which goes down towards the rectum is called peristalsis. It takes approximately 36 hrs for food to work its way through the digestive system and pass from the stomach to the rectum and finally be eliminated by the body.
The colon is also responsible for maintaining the electrolyte and pH balance of the body. A clean colon can reduce the risk of potentially preventable illnesses like IBS, diverticulosis, colon cancer, etc. It addition, it can relieve the body from bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, fatigue or gas.
To maintain a healthy colon and to prevent diseases, and uneasiness cleansing colon is mandatory. Following tips will help to maintain a healthy colon.
Hydration: Hydration is the key to maintain a healthy colon. The fluids will prevent the stool from becoming hard and dry and enable a smooth passage. Proper hydration doesn’t mean the consumption of excess water. Based on the height, weight, physical and medical condition and water volume can be predicted.
Approximately, consumption of 2 litres of water pre-day is recommended except for the presence of diseases. Besides water, to maintain proper hydration, consumption of soup, coconut water, etc can also be useful. Having a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning is a healthy way of keeping the colon healthy.
Fibre-rich diet: Fibre is considered an essential macronutrient and has a positive correlation with gut health. A traditional Indian diet containing a good amount of fruits, vegetables, and grains contains a good amount of fibre. This increases the regular bowel movement and results in a healthy gut. Fibre-rich foods also used by gut bacteria are known as probiotics. If the diet doesn’t have enough fibre, supplementation can be the best choice.
Fermented Food: Fermented food like yoghurt, contains high levels of good bacteria for the gut. They are also known as probiotics and have a strong co-relation of improving gut health. This bacteria helps move the faeces regularly and reduces the risk of gas, bloating, constipation, and infection. They may help in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. A healthy gut biome also has numerous health benefits on overall health and immune function.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria which is necessary to maintain a healthy gut. At the same time, it also helps cleanse the colon because of its antioxidant and antibiotic properties. ACV also contains a bacteria called acetobacter, which aids in the proper functioning of the gut and the digestion process.
Consumption of 1-2 tbsp raw, unfiltered ACV in 250 ml of water 3 times a day will help maintain a healthy gut. If one wishes, natural organic sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or stevia can be added along. This formula is very useful if you want to do a detox of the colon.
Increased Omega-3 Consumption: Increase omega-3 intake is a natural way of cleansing the colon. Omega-3 fatty acids are amazing colon cleansers due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is proved to be the main culprit in many serious health conditions including heart diseases or colorectal cancer.
Acidic inflammation in the body is especially harmful. The pain relievers increase the acidity of the body. Opting for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation can help reduce inflammation and help clean the colon.
Flaxseed: This is a very effective component for colon cleansing. Apart from the good source of omega-3, it contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, which helps in eliminating waste from the colon and maintaining the pH balance. Flaxseed is also very useful in inflammatory bowls diseases, Crohn’s disease, and colitis management. It can heal the inner lining of the inflamed intestine. Flaxseeds can be taken directly or it can be used after soaking it in water. Whole or powdered flaxseed can also be added in a smoothy or salads.
Lemon juice: Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which enhances metabolism and has strong antioxidant properties. It also enables proper digestion as it’s high in citric acid. The citric acid aids in the production of digestive juices. Lemon juice can effectively remove toxins from the body. Consumption of lemon juice in lukewarm water aids in a good and healthy colon.
Ginger: Ginger contains a bioactive compound called gingerol, which possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective in treating digestive problems and reducing weight. Ginger stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and in turn, helps in the cleansing of the colon. Consumption of a concoction either in the morning or night will enhance colon health. In the concoction, ginger juice, lemon juice and hot water have been used.
Fennel Tea: Fennel seeds have a strong aroma. The fennel tea helps in the detox process as it contains several natural elements like natural volatile oils, which can reduce the effect of toxins. It also has a laxative effect and stimulates intestinal mobility. It can help in flushing out toxins from the kidney and liver. To cleanse the gut, have a concoction made by adding 1-2 tsp crushed fennel seed along with 1/2 tsp of grated ginger. Those ingredients should be boiled in water. This concoction should be served hot.
Sea Salt: Intake of saltwater increases the bowel movement and helps in expelling various toxins, harmful bacteria and accumulated faeces from the gut. Saltwater colon cleansing is comparatively a safe measure and ensures less loss of body electrolyte. But if suffering from hypertension, this is not recommended. A solution of sea saltwater in the morning will help improve the colon health.
Garcinia Cambogia: It is a tropical fruit native to Indonesia, also known as Malabar tamarind. It is mostly available in supplemental form. This powerful supplement helps suppress one’s appetite and enhances metabolism. This is due to the presence of hydroxy citric acid (HCA). Scientific discoveries have proven that this is a natural fat burner. It also increases the daily bowel movement and relieves harmful toxins from the body. The supplemental dosages may vary depending upon the individual body type.
Liquid Diet: Also known as liquid fast, it is performed for 1 to 2 days where the solid diet is totally excluded. This will help clean the digestive system. In the diet, every liquid except alcohol, soda or carbonated beverages are allowed like – water, fresh fruit juice with pulp, coup, broth, etc. Vegetable juices are helpful in preventing micronutrient deficiency. This type of diet will not only help get rid of the toxins but can result in a healthy colon.
Colon Flush: This technique can either be performed by health care providers or be self-administered to medical kits. This is a very effective way to wash out toxins and waste materials that are trapped in the colon.
Colonoscopy: This is a medical procedure performed to cleanse the colon and diagnose diseases like colon cancer or rupture.
Apart from those, regular exercises and staying away from processed food and red meat will also help to maintain a healthy colon.