Exercise Regularly To Increase The Life Expectancy

It is a recognised fact that exercise helps in extending life. A new study showed that regular, moderate physical activity such as brisk walking can increase life expectancy by several years, even for people who are overweight.  Exercising regularly  in any suitable form can make one fit and healthy. Scientific studies have also revealed that  strength training is even better if done properly. According to several studies of people ages, 40 years and older be benefited from a moderate level of activity. The benefit of exercise was seen despite people’s weight, age, sex and health conditions such as heart disease and cancer, etc. It might lower down the risk of cancer, decreases the odds of heart diseases, and strokes, Type-2 diabetes and even the probabilities of early death by up to 30%. Not only this, consistently involving in some sort of physical exercise regularly will help your mind to stay happy and stress-free and keep you on the path of positivity. Exercise helps in producing the feel-good hormones (endorphins) in the body which further boosts your mood, decreases the chances of depression and enables leading a long life.

It is undoubtedly a fact that exercising  is  one of the most beneficial forms of extending life expectancy. It is not only keeps you  strong physically,  but at the same time take care of the mental health and keep an overall good status. We have listed some of the exercises that will help you stay happy and healthy. To increase the life expectancy, incorporate these in your daily schedule.  Let’s get started.

Jogging & Brisk-Walking:

Jogging is a slow form of running and as the name suggests brisk walking is a form of walking where the natural speed makes you breathless. The combination of these two have proved to be beneficial in the long run. Even it is helpful if you are a beginner or obese. Choose the speed and time according to your pace and increase the intensity as per your body’s capacity. But remember this, workout in proper sportswear and shoes.


Running is technically a form of exercise where your feet stay out of the ground alternatively within a  quick duration of time. When your body is adjusted with the speed of jogging and the lung capacity is  increased then go for a run. It has been proven that running everyday will not only give you a healthy heart and lung but due to the improved circulatory system, it is beneficial for your entire physical and mental health. Start with 15 minutes, five times a day and then further increase the time and speed. A few minutes a day will definitely increase the major years of your life.


Want to blast some stress and anxiety, then choose the ancient form of martial arts – boxing. It will not only reduce the aggressive nature but at the same time expand your stamina, reflexes, strength, balance, and focus on toning the body. Boxing requires a lot of effort and energy and hence it is considered as one of the strength-giving exercises. Your abs will be formed  and muscles strong and flexible. Apart from this, boxing will make you look younger and fitter.


It is proved by various evidence-based researches that people who are actively involved in swimming have a 28% lower risk of early death and a 41% lower chance of having a stroke or heart-related diseases. Swimming also boosts the circulation of blood in the body, strengthened muscles, and promotes better sleep. This is also considered as the high-energy workout which is recognised as great for both the body and mind. It is recommended for patients who have pulmonary diseases, like asthma. Swimming is a very energetic activity and adding it to your daily routine can give a longer healthy life.


This is probably the most ancient form of exercise which is proved to be beneficial for the whole body and mind. It is not only improving the flexibility but at the same time helps to improve the posture and the circulatory system. Thus yoga can extend your life while reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases, such as cholesterol, blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, etc. Add different types of yoga postures in your daily life according to your capacity for effective results. If necessary, take ask an expert for help.

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