5 Ways To Avoid Deficiency Of Vitamin-D During Winter

Sunshine vitamin and vitamin D is unique because it is the only vitamin that our body can produce itself in the exposure of sufficient sunlight. Thus it could be argued that Vitamin D is technically not a nutrient – it is synthesized and act as a hormone and it is not always necessary through a diet. But current studies have shown that due to various idiopathic causes Indian population particularly female, pregnant or menopausal women or children have a very low level of serum vitamin D level.

The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) is 600 IU of Vitamin D from foods. If the body doesn’t get enough exposure to sunlight, the intake should be increased to 1,000 IU per day.

Why do we need Vitamin D?

Sufficient levels of vitamin D are necessary to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Apart from this primary function vitamin D is essential for other important body functions. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several types of cancer particularly breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer. Prolonged low levels of vitamin D also increases the chances of heart diseases, depression, and weight gain.

During the winters, to get enough vitamin D, one can opt for these 5 ways to avoid Deficiency of Vitamin-D.

Expose to the proper level of sunlight :

When UV rays of the sun strike the skin, it causes a chemical change and the provitamin D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol) to its active form of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D then absorbed by the small intestine along with fat. Dietary vitamin D is incorporated into chylomicrons and travels to the liver via the lymphatic system and bloodstream. Then both the dietary and skin produce vitamin D after coming into the liver converted into calcidiol (25(OH)D3) and travel to the kidney. When stimulated by parathyroid hormone, the kidney converts calcidiol (25(OH)D3) to calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D3).

This calcitriol is the primary active form of vitamin D, it enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the small intestine, assists parathyroid hormone in stimulating osteoclasts to breakdown the bones and releases calcium into the blood or stimulate the bone calcification. Vitamin D receptor is found in a variety of tissues, Vitamin D is believed to inhibit cell proliferation and enhance cell differentiation activity. On a sunny day, the exposure between 12 pm to 3 pm is ideal for Vitamin D synthesis.


If diet or exposure is inadequate in Vitamin-D, the only solution stands with supplementation. Depend upon the need various strengths of dosages can be chosen. The usual one available in the market is the cholecalciferol or activated Vitamin D3 form. Other than that some times Vitamin D2 form is also available.

Oily fish:

Seafood is a good source of Vitamin D3. Fatty fish are naturally rich in vitamin D. Some times small boney fishes cultivated from ponds are also consumed to increased the level of vitamin D.

Consumption of fortified Oil and Milk products:

It has been seen in India through the availability of sunlight, over 70% to 90% of Indians are deficient in Vitamin D. To combat the situation, FSSAI ensures the ability of vitamin D dosages through fortification of oil and milk products. All the commercially available oil and milk products are fortified with Vitamin D and Vitamin A and they contain a +F logo.

Egg yolk: 

People who don’t like fish can go for egg yolks. The white portion of the egg mostly contains proteins while the yolk part contains the fat, vitamins and minerals. Choosing eggs either from chickens raised outside in the sunlight have three to four times higher amount of Vitamin D. Sometimes hens are also fed with fortified grains to produce more nutrient-rich eggs.

To conclude, it is always essential to have a balanced nutrient profile to enhance optimum growth and development. Micronutrients though need in very small quantities but are very essential for normal health. Prolonged deficiencies can lead to various noncommunicable diseases. Some absence or presence of one nutrient can affect the absorption of others, like, if proper Vitamin D is present in the blood, it can assist calcium absorption and vice-versa. Choose a proper diet and healthy habits to increase the chance of life expectancy.

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