You might have observed the multifunctional use of curd in each household, especially in the summer season. It is a cooling, soothing and nutritious food for the harsh summer days. Curd is a natural way of correcting digestion related issues with the strength to bone and teeth. It is rich in essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin B-2 & B-12, potassium, and magnesium. Here are a few benefits of curd in summers:
Good for Digestion
Regular use of curd in your diet can help curb the issues related to digestion. The good bacteria in curd are known to improve the gut health aiding in digestion, and also manages the pH levels of the stomach.
Better Immunity
The good bacteria helps strengthen the immune system by keeping the intestinal tract and gut protected. It is also proclaimed that curd might help soothe some vaginal infections.
Good for Skin Health
Curd is known to enhance the skin of a person helping it glow and look fresh. It has minerals like vitamin E, zinc and phosphorus that play a role in improving the complexion and texture of your skin.
Strengthens Bones
A cup of yoghurt (250grams) contains about 275mg of calcium that helps fulfil the daily dose of calcium, maintaining the bone density while strengthening them. It is neither high in calories, therefore enhances the importance of curd without making you gain weight.
Good for Heart
It helps control the blood pressure promoting a way of healthy living as it discourages the formation of cholesterol. This way the heart keeps pumping on a great rate without letting anything come in between you and a way of healthy living. Also, lifts your mood to stay away from anxiety or stress.
So, make it a habit of consuming some curd along with your meals or at snack time with fruits to enhance the health quotient of your diet. And now you know the importance of curd that has been a part of our diet for generations. Enjoy Your Curdilicious Servings Everyday!