1.The tear of happiness is the tears that come from the right eye and tear of pain is the water droplets that come from the left eye.
2. A tiger’s tongue is so rough that it can lick the paints of buildings and strip the skin off the bones of an animal.
3.To produce a single drop of honey, a bee visits a million flowers.
4. Shampoo is a Sanskrit word, “champu” meaning “massage”. It is created used herbs instead of commercial liquids.
5.Water was discovered by India on the moon.
6. English is the second language widely spoken in India.
7. A doctor removed 172,155 kidney stones in a 3 hour surgery, in 2009 in India.
8.Eating an apple in the morning helps keep a person awake better than drinking coffee.
9. Just two bananas provides enough energy for an intense 90 minute workout.
10. The tongue is the strongest muscle of the body.
11. People say, “God Bless You” when a person sneezes because the heart stops for a millisecond during the process.
12. The antibacterial effect in chocolates prevent tooth decay
13.Yellow, red and orange coloured plates are seen at fast food restaurants as they stimulate hunger.
14. People who understand sarcasm well are often good at reading people’s minds.
15. Ketchup was sold as a medicine in the 1830’s.