How well do you know about your body? The human body has a complex system that does several exceptional jobs at a time.
Did you know?
The left human lung is slightly smaller than the right.
Were you aware of the same? Let’s find out ten other interesting body facts today. These will also help you understand your body better.
1. Human eyes have a superhuman vision. The human eye can detect light from a candle flame over 1.7 miles away.
2. Do you have any idea what happens while you sneeze? Well, when we sneeze, it acts as a reset button for our nose. It indicates that the nose has gotten rid of the harmful particles inhaled.
3. Love listening to music? Music is pleasing to the ears. Did you know, when you listen to music, it synchronises with the heart?
4. Beautiful eyelashes? They live their age and fall out about 150 days later.
5. The stomach not only digests foods. But our stomach acid is too strong to dissolve even metals. Interesting to note that the stomach acids can dissolve razor blades too.
6. Why our nose runs down when we catch a cold or flu? It happens because it is the system’s way to flush out germs.
7. Want to hear something gross? Just consider this interesting yet fascinating fact. A single person in his average lifetime produces enough saliva that could fill up to two swimming pools.
8. Which is the strongest muscle in your body? Any guesses? Here’s the answer – The jaw has the strongest muscles in the body. Isn’t it surprising?
9. Are you aware that teeth are considered a part of the skeletal system? Yet, they don’t get counted as bones.
10. Fingerprints are unique for every individual. But, did you know every human being has a unique tongue print?
Your body is a storehouse of amazing organs that keep you healthy and fit.